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SO307 Core Project
SO307 Core Project
You have been provided with a spss (and excel) data set. Note: the sample from which this data came from is very small; this helps make the task manageable. However, it has enough information to complete the project. Please use the data set to respond to the questions in essay format (maximum 500 words for each question, plus tables and figures). In the essay, tell me everything interesting about these data while answering the questions.
1. State a clear hypothesis (or set of related hypotheses) that is definable and testable, given the available data. This includes indentifying each variable, discussing how they are measured and constructed, and how you hypothesize their relations.
2. Calculate and discuss the descriptive statistics, as well as direct, part and partial correlations (when relevant), for the chosen variables.
3. Apply more than one advanced statistical technique (Chi-Square or ANOVA). Discuss the effect size and statistical significance of each, and compare the results.
4. Conduct an analysis of statistical significance for all relevant statistics. Discuss prospects for generalization from these data.
5. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the data and their chosen analyses.
6. Discuss the practical implications of your findings for real people and policies. Explain how these data might be used, and by whom.
7. Make suggestions for future data collection and analysis that could advance our understanding of the research beyond what is available through the current data.
Core Assessment Project Help Sheet
Example hypotheses and related tests:
Example 1: Whether someone is robbed or not is dependent on gender.
Hypothesis: Whether someone has been robbed during the past years Is dependent on
whether the person robbed is male or female.
Null hypothesis: Whether someone has been robbed during the past years or not is
independent, not associated, with their gender.
The independent variable is:---- ------
The dependent variable is:------ - ----
Both variables are measured using at a _______ level?
Appropriate descriptive statistics for describing both the independent level of
measurement and the dependent level of measurement are: percents, proportions, or
The appropriate test of significance would be a Chi-square test, using a 2 X 2 table.
Look at Chapter 11 pages 265 and 266 for step by step computing instructions and
example. Use Appendix C to compare your obtained Chi-square value with the critical
value (at .05 alpha level) according to the degrees of freedom. Remember, the formula
for degrees of freedom is: df = (A -1 )(C-1 ).
Example 2: According to Nation Master (an international data base), the average years
of schooling of adults in the U.S. is 12.
Hypothesis 1 : The mean years of schooling for this sample is significantly different than
the mean years of schooling for the U.S. population.
Hypothesis: The mean years of schooling for this sample is significantly larger than the
mean years of schooling for the U.S. population.
Hypothesis: The mean years of schooling for this sample is significantly smaller than the
mean years of schooling for the U.S. population.
Null hypothesis: The mean years of schooling for this sample will not differ significantly
from that of the U.S. population.
The independent variable is: - - - - - - --
The1rrd~UiiJm"'fariable is measured on a level. (Hint: when
comparing two groups, the independent variable is whether cases belong to one group
(or category) or another).
Appropriate descriptive statistics for describing the independent level of measurement
are: percents, proportions, or ratios.
The dependent variable is: __"_ Z _- t_<_~~_- _-_A _
The independent variable is measure on an level.
Appropriate descriptive statistics for describing the dependent variable are: mean,
median, mode, range, and standard deviation.
The appropriate test of significance is a t-test. Look at Chapter 8 pages 197 - 199 for
formula and step by step example. Use Appendix B to compare your obtained t-test
value with the critical value (at .05 alpha level, two tailed- Note: if you hypothesize that
the sample mean is larger or smaller than that of the U.S. population, use the one-tailed
columns) according to the degrees of freedom. Remember, the formula fort-test
degrees of freedom is: df = N - 1.
Example 3 : Gender affects annual income.
Hypothesis 1: The mean income of males is significantly different than the mean income
of females.
Hypothesis: The mean income of males is significantly greater than the mean income of
females. ·
Null hypothesis: The mean income of males does not differ from the mean income of
The independent variable is:
The-lRdependent variable is measured on a ·, _,~~r <'-'1 · " level.
Appropriate descriptive statistics for describing the independent level of measurement
are: percents, proportions, or ratios .
.-c_,._:--1\ -.- ::-"'1 •--. ~,
. ,. c 2
The dependent variable is:
The Independent variable Is measure on an level.
Appropriate descriptive statistics for describing the dependent variable are: mean,
median, mode, range, and standard deviation.
The appropriate test of significance is a t-test. Look at Chapter 8 pages 197 - 199 for
formula and step by step example. Use Appendix B to compare your obtained t-test
value with the critical value (at .05 alpha level, two tailed - Note: if you hypothesize that
the males' Income mean is larger than that of females', uSe the one-tailed columns)
according to the degrees of freedom. 33
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Complete solutions and abstract as pdf and word documents. All steps are explained according to requirements!
Question Files
SO307 Core Project Instructions.doc
Core Assessment Project Help Sheet.pdf
Healey Ch10.ppt
SO307 Core Assessment Data.xls
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Statistics Project, Case Study
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SO307 Core Project, Stats, Case Study
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Question Files
SO307 Core Project Instructions.doc
Core Assessment Project Help Sheet.pdf
Healey Ch10.ppt
SO307 Core Assessment Data.xls
Statistics Project, Case Study
College / University
SO307 Core Project, Stats, Case Study
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